New card field in Bergatreute

When we moved to Bergatreute in 2014, we also got our own – somewhat larger – teasel field. Why do we need this when we hardly harvest any teasels ourselves? You're right to ask yourself that.

Well, for our teasel tinctures, the teasel root capsules and the balm we use fresh, annual roots of the wild teasel. In fact, the wild teasel is a biennial plant. The plant from the teasel family spends its first year of growth forming a strong root and a rosette of leaves above ground. The stem and thorn head are nowhere to be found here. And that is how the teasel is harvested and processed. What a pity? Well, that is how its medicinal benefits are greatest. See the book “Cure Lyme disease naturally” by Wolf-Dieter Storl in the area Literature.

In the second year of growth, the teasels form the stem, the thorny head and – for about one to two weeks – the pink ring around it. Great to look at and a first-class photo subject.
The head, however, has a real use for the plant: between the spines you can find the seeds for propagation. If the wind knocks the plant over or it is just shaken, a larger local colony can form in this way. It's even more beautiful to look at.

We use these seeds and make them available to our farmers. This way, you as a customer can be sure that you will always get the right plant. By the way, many private customers want to have teasels in their garden. Ask us, we can help :-).

This is our Kardenfeld on the outskirts of Bergatreute. Now known throughout the town.

Want more photos? Sure, go to the gallery: Kardenwelt Photo Gallery

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