
Take advantage of our many years of experience with the wild teasel. We are also happy to support therapists in their use. Just give us a call. Of course, we also accept orders by phone.

Phone: +49 (0) 75 27 / 97 79 000
(Normal charges to German landlines)

For free: 0800 / 34 77 228
(only from German landlines)

You always speak to a family member with relevant experience.

Or use our contact form

We will be happy to call you back free of charge. You won't have to wait long for an answer, we promise.


    Visit us in Bergatreute near Ravensburg. Here we can explain all of our products to you in detail. You are free to move around our production rooms. If production is currently underway, we will provide you with appropriate hygiene clothing. For groups of six or more people, please make an appointment in advance.

    Phone: +49 (0) 75 27 / 97 79 000
    (Normal charges to German landlines)

    Opening hours:

    Monday to Friday:
    09:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    Payment options on site

    On Bill
    cash payment
    EC card or credit card
    Apple Pay, Google Pay or similar.

      shopping cart
      VAT included.