The intestine thinks along


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by Klaus-Dietrich Runow

How bacteria, fungi and allergies affect the nervous system

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Latest findings about the important organ of our body

It is simply unbelievable what happens in our digestive organs over the course of a human life. Around 30 tons of food, 50,000 liters of liquid, kilos of pollutants and environmental toxins, pathogens and bacteria travel through the intestines during a 75-year life.

But this organ is still given far too little attention, even though it is of central importance for our health and well-being. The immune system and our metabolism are very closely linked to the condition of the intestine! Who would think that the cause of constantly recurring infections, allergies, sleep disorders, depression or joint problems could lie in the intestine? A slow poisoning via the intestine poses problems for the entire metabolic system.

Bibliographic data

ISBNs: 978-3-517-08667-5
Hardcover book with dust jacket
Scope: 160 pages
Format: 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 15 b/w illustrations
Publisher: southwest

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